Membership to the Newcastle H.O.G. Chapter costs only $40 for the first year, which includes a small chapter rocker. Membership Renewals are on the anniversary of your joining date and the renewal fee is $30 per annum. A very small price to pay for our Membership Benefits.
To be a member of Newcastle H.O.G. you must:
- Hold an appropriate Motorcycle License
- Be a Life, Full or Associate member of H.O.G. International or have applied for membership with H.O.G. International. You should have received a 1yr membership to H.O.G. International with your purchase of a new Harley Davidson. To find out more information about that visit the H.O.G. Members Site or a dealer. Confirmation of your membership/application to H.O.G. International is part of the application review process
- Complete the Application Below