Welcome to Newcastle H.O.G.
The Newcastle Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) are a diverse group of people sharing a common passion, the experience of riding Harley Davidson Motorcycles. With numerous organised group rides, social events and ad hoc get togethers during each year the Chapter has developed a strong sense of camaraderie, friendship and fun making membership a rewarding experience to any Harley Davidson rider and their partners.
The Newcastle H.O.G. Chapter is now over 34 years old and still going strong. If you are a member of our Chapter, log in to see what's happening.
What's Happening In Our Chapter?
Check out our latest HOGSWILL magazine here. It has all the latest rides, news and events our chapter has been up to.
Our Sponsoring Dealer
Newcastle H.O.G. Chapter wishes to acknowledge the support of our valued Sponsoring Dealer, Fraser Motorcycles Newcastle.

Check out the merchandise available for the Newcastle H.O.G. chapter. (You will be asked to log in to access the store).